Who We Are

Our mission is to provide a safe, participatory, and holy space to foster spiritual growth deepening our love for God, ourselves, neighbors, and all of creation. We are a hub for Christian contemplative prayer, spiritual practice, and living. In communion with others we participate in the Christ mystery through contemplative practice, learning, growing, and doing life together. Through this sacramental tapestry, we and our world are transformed.

As a community, we live this out through a commitment to a daily spiritual practice, compassionate action, cultivating mature self knowledge, creation care, and growing in God’s wisdom and grace. There are a variety of spiritual disciplines one may commit to live out a rule of life.

The Contemplative Cathedral

The Contemplative Cathedral is our online platform for community and contemplation. It looks a little like other social media platforms but it is so much more. Its a space to conspire, connect, contemplate, and our online home for all of our event info (both online & in-person), links, and groups. It also serves as a way to stay connected in-between events. We have online meetings throughout the week, Sunday activities, and 8 week session contemplative conversation groups where we learn, practice, grow, and do life together. The Contemplative Cathedral is our communal prayer for a welcoming co-created community of contemplatives learning, growing, practicing, seeking God, and doing life together. Our Cathedral is not built of stone but with our participation and communion in Christ. We look forward to building this new cathedral with you. Free to join and full of love.


98% of our resources come from your generous donations and support. Consider donating or setting up a recurring donation to support our on going activities.

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