Be Present and Embrace the Journey

Spiritual Companionship is a way to:
Increase one’s attentiveness to life, relationships, and the spiritual journey.
Increase one’s receptivity to the influence of the Holy Spirit and God’s presence in their lives.
Become more aware of their Truest self and God’s abiding love in their lives.

Adam Luedtke PhD is a trained Spiritual Director, Transformative Coach, and Psychologist who has been accompanying other seekers on the journey for most of his life.
Adam companions through prayer, contemplation, conversation, and deep attentive listening.

Transformative Coaching: Transformative coaches act as thinking partners asking questions that uncover obstacles and dilemmas that keep you from being what you desire, from what God is calling you to be. Coaching at Contemplate will help you discern how you want to be in the world, uncovering obstacles, and inviting practices that shift your daily presence in the world.
Spiritual Direction: A spiritual director works with you to pay attention to God and discern where God is calling you and working in your life. Spiritual direction is not traditional counseling but rather one Christian helping another better listen to the Holy Spirit through discernment, dialogue, & prayer.
Spiritual Contemplation at Contemplate Lincoln is donation based with average donation ranging from $50 to $150 per session.