Sundays at 2:30PM – Central Time

Films – Videos – Presentations

We engage in heartfelt community through contemplation, conversation, and engaging poetry, writings, and wisdom from Christian contemplatives, mystics, and theologians.

Join us for a time of contemplation and conversation centered around videos with insights from some of today’s most influential theologians and spiritual teachers. Videos from The Work of the People and other sources include Richard Rohr, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Walter Brueggemann, Brene Brown, Barbara Brown Taylor, Barbara Holmes, Ilia Delio, and many others.

In this gathering, we create a safe sacred container for conversation and practice as we journey together through content on contemplation, Christianity, and spiritual growth. Through a set of shared ground rules and curiosity we learn from each other, and ourselves. A place to be curious and clumsy.

All groups are hosted on The Contemplative Cathedral an online platform that allows for sharing, discussion, access to Zoom links and multi-model learning and engagement. After signing up you will receive an invitation to the join the group in The Cathedral at least a week before we begin.