Order, Disorder, Reorder (Where Are We?) Many philosophers, theologians, and biblical scholars from every era have written about a perennial process of transformation: order, disorder, reorder. This template for transformation is found in many faith traditions including Christianity where it is particularly present in the Psalms and written about by Richard Rohr and Walter Bruggemann among others. Three things are true of this process: 1. Order is never as great as we think and its inherent flaws and shadow side always prove fatal. 2. Disorder is where all great change comes from, the place we open to God’s transforming power, and where we spend a lot of, if not most, of our time. Another word used for this is liminal space. It is the space in-between where we were and where we are going. It is the space in-between of uncertainty. 3. We never go back to our perceived “order” nor should we want to return. Where are we now? For many of us, or if I dare say most of us, we are squarely in disorder as are our systems and institutions. Though we have been rocketed into disorder through COVID 19 and the witness that camera phones and social media have made to America’s shadow of ongoing prejudice, injustice, and racism. I suspect we have been marching into disorder for quite some time. Disorder isn’t all bad, in fact there is always an invitation. An invitation to newness, to new life, to resurrection. What might be your invitation? What might be the invitation of our culture, institutions, or our global cultures and institutions? This weekend we celebrated pentecost, the descending of the Holy Spirit. Where is spirit moving you, where is spirit moving us? Contemplate Lincoln invites you to explore these questions in silence, solitude, prayer, and together in our online community as we explore what Spirit may be calling forth. |
Join us online for these events to keep us spiritually connected and physically distanced through the month of June. |
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Sacred Saturday: From “Order” to Disorder to Reorder in the Midst of a Pandemic. June 6th 9:30am-12:30pm A shared time of ritual, spiritual practice, meditation, and conversation. Embracing REality as it is with its grief, anxiety, fear, and anger. Cultivating REverence, gratitude, and awe. REnewing self and collective compassion. Dreaming forth possibilities for REbirth, REsurrection, & new life. Led by Facilitators Patty Forsberg, Adam Luedtke, Marvin Anderson, and Luke Healy. (Optional 1-hour follow-ups on each Saturday in June @ 10am) |
Contemplative Conversations: Richard Rohr’s The Wisdom Pattern. Wednesdays at 1:30 beginning June 17th. Other groups forming. A 6 week study on Richard Rohr’s new book on the perennial tradition of transformation: order, disorder, reorder. We will read 30-40 pages a week prior to each weeks discussion group. Reflecting, unpacking, and sharing this text together. Register for Wednesdays below or email [email protected] to express interest in joining a group either Monday 11:00am, Tuesday 11:00am, or Thursday 5:00pm. |
Contemplative Conversations: The Work of the People Films for Discovery and Transformation. Sundays at 2:30pm. A time of conversation centered around short videos from the project “The Work Of The People”. A collection of short films (5-10 mins) with insights from some of today’s most influential theologians and spiritual teachers. We will watch these films together followed by contemplation and conversation. Teachers include: Richard Rohr, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Walter Brueggemann, Brene Brown, Barbara Brown Taylor, Barbara Holmes, and many others. |
June Schedule All events will be held via Zoom: Noon-hour silent prayer Weekdays 12:00pm-1:00pm: https://zoom.us/j/735301950 Lectio Divina Mondays 4:00pm: https://zoom.us/j/264971819 Contemplative Movement Friday’s 5:30pm-6:30pm: https://zoom.us/j/386874404 House Church Sunday’s 4pm-5pm: https://zoom.us/j/993530287 Contemplative Conversation Groups: Wednesdays at 1:30 PM (Book Study) Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlc-uqrzkvG9yGJzyrpvIIIQ-WMN0Qib1B Sundays at 2:30 PM (Film Study) Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlfuisrT8qGNDxn5X-YSKubw5SQgHwxF6B |