Meeting Bi-Weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30PM

“God does not love us if we change, God loves us so that we can change.”

– Richard Rohr

Curated by Patrick Dahlen and Adam Luedtke.

Beginning July 19th – Join us for our six meeting participatory group study of Richard Rohr’s Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps. We will have contemplative practice, readings from the text, and discussion. You are not required to purchase a book or read outside of the group, as we will read selections from the texts in the meetings. You are welcome to read the full text in companion to our meetings. We will cover two chapters per meeting (approx. 20 pages, every two weeks). 

About the Book

“We are all addicted in some way. When we learn to identify our addiction, embrace our brokenness, and surrender to God, we begin to bring healing to ourselves and our world. In Breathing Underwater, Richard Rohr shows us how the gospel principles in the Twelve Steps can free anyone from any addiction—from an obvious dependence on alcohol or drugs to the more common but less visible addictions that we all have.”

About our Groups: In our groups, we create a safe sacred container for conversation and practice as we journeying together through books on contemplation, Christianity, and spiritual growth. Through a set of shared ground rules and curiosity, we learn from each other, ourselves, and the text.

Meeting Dates

July 19th – Discussing Steps 1 & 2

Facilitator: Adam

August 2nd – Discussing Steps 3 & 4

Facilitator: Patrick

August 30th – Discussing Steps 5 & 6

Facilitator: Adam

September 13th – Discussing Steps 7 and 8

Facilitator: Patrick

September 27th – Discussing Steps 9 and 10

Facilitator: Adam

October 11th – Discussing Steps 11 and 12

Facilitator: Patrick