Join us in April as we kick off our first events and services! We are open during construction and look forward to worshipping with you. Check out our event schedule on Facebook. Events
Restorative Noonhour: 30 Minute Silent Prayer Sit Begins April 2nd
Pause, restore, and renew on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Silent prayer period will begin with a brief reading. We start at 12:15 and end at 12:45. Great way to invite God into your day. Prayer cards with simple instructions are available. Beginners are welcome. Leaders available at 12:00 for guidance, questions, or instruction.
Round Table Lectio at 6pm on Tuesdays Begins April 3rd
Come pray the scriptures with us Tuesday evenings @ 6pm in small groups. Four volunteers read a small passage with a period of silent reflection in between each reading. Our time closes with a brief period of sharing. Instruction is provided no experience required.
3rd Sunday Taize Style Service with Crowned Quartet @ 7pm Begins April 15th
Rest, renew, and worship on 3rd Sundays @ 7 with Crowned Quartet. A beautiful candlelight service with hymns and a brief period of silent prayer in the tradition of Taize. All are welcome.