Grow, Worship, & Pray with Us
Events & Happens at Contemplate Lincoln
Song of Songs 2:11-13
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.

Spring has fully sprung. Join us at Contemplate Lincoln this month as our Contemplative Worship Service and Contemplative Conversations resume. 

Last month was very special with our lenten services and Richard Rohr conference. Big thank you to everyone who helped with our grounds cleanup. There is still much to do. At the end of the month we will be planting grass and doing further landscaping. We are sad that we will also be cutting down our ornamental tree which was vandalized last week.   Special Events
Contemplative Conversations:
Contemplative Photography 
4 Week Series Starting May 22nd
Wednesdays 1:30

Monthly Compassion Circle
2nd Mondays
Next Circle May 13th

Drumming Circle
May 30th
Thursday 6:30pm

Spring by Mary Oliver“Somewhere a black bear has just risen from sleep and is staring down the mountain. All night in the brisk and shallow restlessness of early spring I think of her, her four black fists flicking the gravel, her tongue like a red fire touching the grass, the cold water. There is only one question: how to love this world. I think of her rising like a black and leafy ledge to sharpen her claws against the silence of the trees. Whatever else my life is with its poems and its music and its glass cities, it is also this dazzling darkness coming down the mountain, breathing and tasting; all day I think of her—her white teeth, her wordlessness, her perfect love.”
Weekly ScheduleMonthly Compassion Circle – 2nd Mondays 6:30 pm
Be Still: Contemplative Worship Service – Tuesdays 6:00 pm
Noon-hour Silent Prayer – Weekdays 12:15pm 
Contemplative Conversations  –  Wednesday 1:30pm
Yoga for Every Body – Fridays 5:30pm
Nothing But Worship Music – Sundays 3:30 pm 
House Church: Integral Worship – 
Sundays 4pm
Taizé Worship Service –  3rd Sundays 6pm 

The Practice of Contemplative Photography
To see the world with fresh eyes being fully present, fully in awe, and fully reverent. 1. Connect with a flash of perceptionFlashes of perception are those moments when you notice something and all mental activity stops. You are totally in the moment and what is before you is seen in vivid color. You notice something in a way you never had before. 2. Working with visual discernmentWe usually move quickly from the flash of perception to conceptualization. At this stage, we train ourselves to stay with the original flash of perception. Our minds stay open and curious. 3. Forming the equivalent of what we have seenThis is the stage where we pick up the camera and shoot what we see, without adding any interpretation or manipulation.